Granite, stainless steel and countertops that mix natural stones and acrylic resin need different cleaning methods. Next, check out homemade tips and solutions to put into practice after dirtying the sink while cooking or in an attempt to reverse small daily slips.
Fats and tomato sauce
Granite: New splashes come out with equal parts of warm water and lemon juice and those hardened with citric acid-based pastes. These liquids penetrate the stone, dissolve the stains and suck them to the surface, facilitating their removal with a cloth soaked in neutral detergent.
Stainless steel: Dissolve 1 spoon of baking soda in 250 ml of hot water and spray the solution to melt the stick. To avoid scratching the metal, never scrub steel sponges, utensils with sharp points or products with caustic soda. Then, wipe with a cloth moistened with detergent to remove the softened dirt and a dry one to shine.
If you want to help keep those surfaces shiny and mark free check out Mac’s Wax Multipurpose Liquid Wax, available on Amazon.
Resin: Material less porous than granite, should be cleaned only with neutral detergent and water. However, if it has been dirty for a long time, you can use creamy soap or liquid. Rub this product with the rough part of the sponge and then rinse.
- Wine and coffee
Granite: The dark ones are more resistant to these drinks, which can be removed with 2 tablespoons of water and 1 of sodium bicarbonate.
Stainless steel: In half a glass of hot water, squeeze 1 lemon and let it act on the oxidized spots for 10 minutes.
Resin: If the stains are new, clean with warm water and detergent. The darker and older ones ask for ammonia-based cleaning products. Avoid using glass cleaner, as they create a layer of wax that if too thick can make the surface opaque.

Kurt Avans is a home improvement blogger who strives to improve his life and the lives of others. He provides homeowners with helpful tips on how to renovate their homes. His goal is not only to provide easy-to-follow instructions, but also share his own personal experiences for those seeking guidance.